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13 Minute COVID-19 Testing Now Available

COVID19 Swab

We are pleased to announce that we are offering Rapid COVID-19 Swab testing for our patients at Ross Medical Group.

Our rapid COVID-19 test is done through a nasal swab and the test is run in-house at Ross Medical Group. The results return in 13 minutes or less. Rapid COVID-19 nasal swab testing is a screening test to identify the active virus infection. The Rapid COVID-19 test is a molecular test and is performed through a nasal swab. The nasal swab sample is then run in a machine that breaks apart the viral envelope and detects the viral RNA. The test is extremely accurate at over 94.7% sensitivity and 98.6% specificity based on the most recent studies.

Who should get tested?

We also offer COVID-19 antibody testing for patients who have had COVID-19 or for those who would like to see if they have developed an antibody to the virus. Our COVID-19 Antibody test is a serum (blood) test and is sent out to your insurance’s participating laboratory.

If you are interested in either a Rapid COVID-19 nasal swab or an antibody test, please call us at 305-279-7677 or visit us online at www.rossmedicalgroup.com to make an appointment.

David A. Ross, MD Sports Medicine Physician

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