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New Study shows Ultrasound Guided Injections are Superior to Landmark Guided Injections

Don’t get a musculoskeletal injection without ultrasound guidance!

A 2018 study published in the Orthopedic Journal of Sports Medicine comparedultrasound guided injections to landmark guided injections for various musculoskeletal conditions. These procedures involve injecting medications such as corticosteroids, viscosupplementation or PRP (platelet rich plasma) for conditions such as arthritis of the knees, shoulders and other joints; or for tendon/muscle injuries such as rotator cuff tendonitis or hip bursitis. This study concludes that using ultrasound guidance was not only superior to blind injections, but that it was also associated with less procedure related pain.

Dr. David A. Ross at Ross Medical Group is specialty trained to administer all injections using ultrasound guidance. He believes that using the ultrasound to guide the injection to the proper joint or injured muscle/tendon is essential to ensuring that the medication functions as intended.

Dr. David A. Ross believes that “if you get a landmark guided injection and it doesn’t function as expected, is it because your body is not responding to the medication, or that the medication was not delivered to its intended location?”

He goes on to state “with ultrasound guidance, you don’t have the worry about this problem. You can see the needle going to its intended target so you know you’re in the right spot.”

The published study goes on to say that “Ultrasonography has become more widely used in sports medicine during procedures to assist with needle guidance and to visualize surrounding anatomic structures, thereby minimizing risk of injury to adjacent structures.”

To find out more about the Review Article published in Orthopedic Journal of Sports Medicine, visit: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5826008/pdf/10.1177_2325967118756576.pdf

To schedule a consultation with Dr. David A. Ross, please call our office at 305-279-7677 or visit our website at www.rossmedicalgroup.com

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