Ross Medical Group offers PRP treatment for Musculoskeletal Injuries

What is PRP?
PRP is short for “Platelet Rich Plasma”. When you are injured, your body automatically signals for help and calls your platelets, white blood cells, red blood cells and other components within your blood to travel to the site of injury. Once there, these cells communicate with each other to release specific growth factors that initiate a healing process. Sometimes, when you are injured in an area that does not have sufficient blood supply, this healing response cannot happen. This is where PRP can be helpful.
When used at the site of injury, the growth factors and other components in platelet rich plasma (PRP) have been clinically shown to potentially accelerate healing of injured or poorly healed tissue, thereby improving function and decreasing pain.
What is PRP used for?
PRP can be used for multiple injuries. In general, chronic injuries to tendons (like the rotator cuff) and cartilage degeneration (like knee arthritis) are the most common reasons to be recommended PRP injections. Other common injuries for which PRP could be helpful for are Tennis Elbow, hamstring strains and other ligament and muscle injuries. PRP is used by professional athletes and recreational athletes to help speed up the healing process by injecting concentrated healing factors directly into the damaged tissue.
What does the PRP procedure involve?
PRP begins by collecting your blood, similar to a clinic laboratory blood draw. Your blood is then placed in a centrifuge where the rapid spinning process separates the blood into different layers. The PRP layer (with platelets and healing factors) is then drawn up into a syringe and injected into the injured tissue under ultrasound guidance to assure accurate placement. PRP injections are extremely safe. Because you are being injected with your own blood products, there is no concern about reaction/rejection.
What happens after the procedure?
You will be able to walk out of the office unassisted and are able to perform your normal daily activities after the procedure. Dr. David Ross will give you specific instructions on how to optimize your rehabilitation and recovery. Avoidance of anti-inflammatory medications is also required. You will have a follow up appointment with Dr. David Ross after your procedure to ensure that you are improving.
To learn more about PRP, and if it is right for you, please call Ross Medical Group at 305-279-7677 and make a consultation appointment with David A. Ross, MD, Board Certified in Primary Care Sports Medicine.
Other services we offer are: Ultrasound guided Viscosupplementation injections and Corticosteroid Injections
Please use the link below for a video about the PRP procedure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNgm-Mccgys
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